Wigmore Hall Live: Wolf Songs

Composed by Hugo Wolf

Wigmore Hall Live / WHLIVE0029

Recorded in February 2008 at Wigmore Hall, London

'There is a marvellous symbiosis at work between Holzmair and Cooper that is evident everywhere on this wonderful disc. You can hear it immediately in the first Lied, Auf einer Wanderung. Cooper plays, as always, with the utmost sensitivity: just listen, also, to the perfectly weighted chords of the accompaniment to the prayer-like Schlafendes Jesuskind. Holzmair projects the sense of wonder of the second stanza as eloquently as he does the magic simplicity of the scene-setting first. . . Zur Warnung – a musical depiction of a hangover – is beautifully characterised by both players, while Cooper's accompaniment to the final programmed song, Begegnung, is masterly. The encore, Selbstgeständnis, is exquisitely turned.

Throughout, Holzmair’s high register is magnificently focused, with little or no sense of strain, and he characterises each song well. Cooper if anything outshines her soloist in her seemingly infinite sensitivity. A very special disc.'

Colin Clarke, MusicWeb International 



Mörike Lieder:

1  No. 15, Auf einer Wanderung

2  No. 5, Der Tambour

3  No 39, Denk es, o Seele

4  No. 17, Der Gärtner

5  No. 21, Auf eine Christblume II

6  No. 44, Der Feuerreiter

7  No. 33, Peregrina I

8  No. 34, Peregrina II

9  No. 19, Um Mitternacht

10  No. 4, Jägerlied

11  No. 25, Schlafendes Jesuskind

12  No. 35, Frage und Antwort

13  No. 10, Fußreise

14  No. 24, In der Frühe

15  No. 13, Im Frühling

16  No. 43, Lied eines Verliebten

17  No. 36, Lebe wohl

18  No. 32, An die Geliebte

19  No. 9, Nimmersatte Liebe

20  No. 16, Elfenlied

21  No. 28, Gebet

22  No. 29, An den Schlaf

23  No. 6, Er ist's

24  No. 49, Zur Warnung

25  No. 51, Bei einer Trauung 

26  No. 8, Begegnung

27  No. 52, Selbstgeständnis


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